
It took maybe 30 minutes to walk to last night's party in our Brooklyn neighborhood. Turned the corner to party block and said "I bet that apparent bonfire on that upstairs porch way up ahead is where we're going." Absolutely. The lady of the house sure can cook. Skewers to grill, home made exotic spanikopitas, a filo pie of goat cheese and figs, fresh salads and dips mmmm accompanied by some beer at first, then a special bottle of spirits purchased for the occasion. Sugar cubes and water. Someone lit a fork on fire. The green fairy caused a few dropped glasses. Then later the kind of party where a bottle is passed from mouth to mouth, not for lack of plastic cups, but because of an unspoken consensus it's friendlier to drink that way. Guitar passed from hand to hand; I guess you'll always have two sources recording when your song circle includes someone who had a record contract on Apple records. That dancy pants new WonderWheels song got played amidst Brute Force songs and Tim songs and Paula songs and Neil songs and then came the covers bruising a few in warm sing-a-long fogs. Woke up this morning feeling... everything. Opted into this through CDBaby so far in the past it's all a bit hazy, but here's another page about our first record, and I guess we're supposed to encourage our fans to click here and vote for us or request to spin us or rate us or something?

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