
I found it hard to leave Freddy's Bar Saturday night after the Dropzines/The Larch/The Saudi Agenda show. I just started to think about Freddy's being gone, about the great creative connections that have been made in that place, and about it all being razed to the ground (along with the new loft condos down the block just renovated from a warehouse three years ago). All wastefully, willfully destroyed, dispersed by a few old men who don't live in the neighborhood. Business tycoons and politicians who see our meeting place of years, our space for interactive play and symbolic experimentation, as inconsequential and disorganized slummy-ness instead of seeing a hotspot of artistic civilization. We fight now just to be, just to exist to be one of the good things left inside to counter-act the the violent mall aspects of America. Anyway, despite a few Ratner-owned buildings currently being demolished for show inside his proposed (but not approved!) area of skyscraper/sports arena development, it's not all over and a lovely late night was had and shout outs are due to: - Greg Fields, everlast Larch Web master who updated with info on the new WonderWheels record "Meet the Animal" and gave freely of rides home to all. - Dan Herman from Radio Crystal Blue for coming to the show and also giving track 2 from the new WonderWheels record "Song About a Pigeon" a spin on his weekly radio show. Tonight is the big WonderWheels show at Crash Mansion, and we can't wait to rock!

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